Tuesday, October 8, 2013

552 Tuesday

Its been an odd day. Odd in many ways. I was up at 5 am and took my medicine, gave Grace her medicine, put a load of clothes in the drier and poured a cup of coffee and pondered. "Complicated". "Complicated" made me sad. Except for that one bitch that is a constant thorn in my side and I would seriously be elated if something ever happed to her, I don't wish "complicated" on anyone. "Complicated" means fights and heartache and confusion and a constant 'what if'... I try not to let "complicated" be a part of my life anymore. I do WATCH "complicated" with one of my loved ones and what she is putting herself through. "Complicated" is OS 3rd edition. "Complicated" surely is real in computerized accounting and for whatever reason, "complicated" seems to be what it like to find a decent yard guy...so, I now have a company. But reading "complicated" about relationships and feelings and emptiness.... makes me sad.
Another 'oddity' of today, work. Something is going on in the 'side' of the house. Front of the house is the director and his peeps, back of the house is Student Services and the side, well that is where the big wigs are when they come to the campus. They have been here for 2 weeks. Isn't that odd? Big wigs from Virginia , here, in the smallest campus around, for TWO WEEKS. Idk. They don't interact, like you would think they would, i mean, they are here aren't they, and there must be a reason. But yet they sit over there... odd.
Odd that I give a rats ass about the Govt being shut down, but... it affects my student loans and my stipend. My stipend that I had earmarked for a Tiffany's Wedding Gift and a weekend away at the end of the month. So, that is shaky and if I may say anything to the Govt....GET THE LEAD OUT!!
I find it odd that this 'complicated' IS 'complicated. It was never complicated as I recall, but for 3 or 4 times in the past few years it ended up 'complicated'. Once you find the right 'stuff' in your life and you let it go, you have to realize that you may never ever end up with something as right as that. So, I stay away from anything that makes my life 'complicated'... except the inevitable, and live, as happily ever after as the Lord allows.
I hope there are no odd complications in your life. Relax and enjoy what the Lord deems good and pure for your life. That's all. 606.

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