Saturday, October 12, 2013


Hopelessly Devoted to You

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Olivia Newton-John is a breast cancer survivor and October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Please spread the word about early detection.

1) This is a sad song about unrequited love. What's your favorite love song, and is it happy or sad? its beautiful.
2) This song is from the Grease soundtrack. When that movie came out in 1978, the price of a postage stamp was just 15¢. When's the last time you visited the post office?this morning, but I use the 'make your own stamps' feature. I like it and no waiting. 3) Not many people know that Olivia's maternal grandfather, Max Born, won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1954. Share something about yourself that we might not have known before this morning.
I won three awards in my freshman year of high school for cooking and baking.
4) Olivia's father was an officer in MI5, the UK's secret service. Sam's most recent run-in with the authorities had less intrigue or glamor, as it included a policeman pointing out the stop sign she'd somehow missed. Tell us about your most recent encounter with law enforcement.
I'm boring. no encounters.
5) Olivia is part owner of an exclusive, luxury retreat called Gaia. If you had a day of free access to a heated pool, golf course, tennis court, gym, and day spa, but could only use one, which one would you choose?

the pool, hands down. 6) Are you flirtatious?not really, but I do have an 'interest' and haven't decided if I should bother. 7) Do you more often wear silver, gold, or platinum?platinum. 8) When you're on the phone, do you usually make the first move toward ending the call? Or do you find it hard to say goodbye?its NEVER hard to say ... ok, I need to get going. ttyl. 9) Would you rather be smarter, richer, or more attractive than you are right now?
smarter. this is mid term week coming up.


  1. I'd say "All I Need to Know" is a happy song, for sure. "I know how to bring a smile to your face." Sweet and positive.

    1. Its been my favorite song since I found the album...many years BEFORE Kenny's concert tickets were 150.!!!
