Friday, June 13, 2014

Once upon a time there was a person who cared. I THINK they cared, not 100%, but lets just roll with, 'they cared'. In my self proclaimed 'valley' that I am going through it takes an outsider to see any good, and they did, and it opened my eyes and it opened my opinion of myself. "Poor Me". That's me. Always, it seems. I was recently referred to as a hypochondriac from someone that I never thought would think that about me. So of course, the opinion I hold of myself is of course, brought down a peg! But my most unlikely person in my life told me off in a rather loving way yesterday. They brought up the fact that I have the most amazing loving family AND friends. I do. They told me that I have things that even the people that THINK they have it all, don't. And they reminded me of my faith, which I tend to let slide when I am having a pity party. More than friends, or family , or anything... I have the Lord. Holding my hand. Letting me wander a bit, but not necessarily letting me out of his sight. I do. I have all of these things. And I wish it all on everyone, to have these people, these blessings, Our Father


I am so glad that I have insurance now ( and didn't have to remarry to get it! ), but yesterday the eye doctor found a little sack behind my eye...I have to get my sugar in order and go back in 2 weeks. Today I went to the dentist and I have a grey lesion between 2 of my teeth. I have to see an oral surgeon to have a biopsy of it. Smh. I swear, if its not one thing its another. Sometimes ( but not often enough ) I wish I had someone to lean on when I am scared. I wish I could just TRUST again, it would make my life so much easier... or not.


Somedays, I just want to nap...


  1. Well I hope all your check ups go your way. Just yesterday DD1, without knowing it....caused me to rethink how things are really going well for me.

  2. TJ Maxx, my favorite too. I just wish they had a bigger HomeGoods section at our store.
