Friday, June 21, 2013

This has been such a hard 5 weeks in my life. 6 weeks ago I started getting a cold and I gave blood. BAM. Everything went downhill from there. Its been horrible. The type of school I go to , we don't get 'down time'. We miss 9 classes, we are done. AND I work for the school, so if that were to happen, I would lose my job. Let me tell you, I am pretty comfortable and happy there!
I started off missing 5 classes right off the bat. I had to take a leave from work because what started off to be a cold, went into bronchitis in days. Slowly I slipped from bronchitis into what felt like full blown pneumonia  Week 1 passed and I never got out of bed. I couldn't breathe I coughed constantly and my head throbbed so badly I only got out of bed to feed the dogs and to go to the bathroom.
Week 2. Same. By Thursday I was so weak that I had help at dog feeding times because I couldn't even open the cans. I never left the bed, and when I called the Dr for a prescription, he said I had to come in. If you are that sick, I need to see you. I had to be driven there because I couldn't stay awake. My brother, is a saint. He took me everywhere and helped me so much AND he had the same thing. I was put on steroids and antibiotics, cough meds and was using a nebulizer. That night I called at 1am because I had to go to the hospital, I cried constantly.
Week 3. Still the same. My studies are falling behind because I cannot stay up enough to do homework, let alone tests and reading. One of my girlfriends who is in 2 of my classes would come from class, come over, help me do the take home tests my teachers so wonderfully allowed her to help me with, then go to work. On her off days she would be there to run the vacuum and clean up. My sister and my nieces would come over to help me shower, change my bed, take out the trash... amazing. Back to the hospital again in the middle of another night.
Week 4. Started attending class again. Being picked up and dropped off because I couldn't drive. Still no work because I was still so sick. I cried one night because I just wanted my mom. I just wanted to be held, and brought ice water, and assured I was going to get better. Most people couldn't come around because I would infect everyone I came in contact with and people had to work!! I managed to infect 4 people from school. One of them... LONG story, is sick in county jail! smh.
This past week, I went back to school after a brief visit at the hospital. They shot me with more meds, gave me breathing treatments and forced me to accept their hospitality and I fought it the entire time. I have been in school each time this week, but still not back to work. I finally have Brenden back painting. I couldn't even stay awake let alone have him sanding and painting. Thankfully, through this all, the back and front yard landscaping are done. The guy is coming to cut down my trees next week, and Brenden is back. I wish I could share the hilarious morning I had with my sis, bro in law and nieces at breakfast, but probably only my family would find it as funny as we did.
Well, its been a good and long day. Now, for a good and beautiful night...

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