Sunday, December 27, 2015

Today has been kind of a bittersweet day. I think I am playing with the pneumonia thing again. That SUCKS! I have other health issues going on, I don’t need to be dealing with this too!!! But I did get out for a little bit, had some drugs to buy and some grocery shopping to do. I over bought a little bit. I am on this clean eating kick. Well, lately its not  been a ‘kick’, it’s a ‘’you better change things and change em fast’’ deal!! So I have loaded up on fresh veggies. My grandson told me that he would go and do the shopping, but you know when YOU know what to get!!! Anywho, it was nice to be out. I have stupid doctors visits and blood work this week. Now THAT is not my plan for the week!!! Hahahah, but one of my friends is going to be taking me around. And my brother. Paul can’t drive, and I can’t stay awake very long. What a pair we are. He is going in for surgery next month, both knees replaced, then to rehab for 3  weeks. I am not into that. I have a HUGE doctors appt. at the Cleveland Clinic next month. Won’t be too good if we are both under the knife !!! I was going to hire someone to come in with me while Paul is in rehab, but one of my friends will be staying with me until I get the ‘All Clear’!! Hopefully, none of that will even occur and I’ll be good to go. J  I’m counting on THAT!!

            Well, I am going to go and get  all drugged up for the night. Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers. After all these tests, and crap are done, I will be much m ore able to talk about health issues. Typing and crying do NOT go hand in hand.

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