Saturday, August 10, 2013

saturday thunksssss

SaTuRdAy ThUnKs
  • My life... is NOT normal!! But I try none the less!
  • It is so beautiful and perfect this  morning. Its kind of cool and so peaceful. I am up but the 'kids' are still in bed sleeping. They usually get up before I do, but they all hopped back into bed after going outside. All 3 buried under the blankets and Phoebe laying on top of them. Cute.
  • Having my kind of 'kids' is sometimes as hard as having YOUR kind of kids. I go away I have to find a pet-sitter if they aren't coming along. Last night we spent hours in the ER with Grace and her seizures . Oh boy, I totally thought she was going to pass last night. But she pulled through and although she is a little drained today, had no problem attacking Casey when she tried to lay on her baby.
  • So, I just get a text message from the lawn guy. His truck is in the shop. He needs to get a check for the next FOUR cuts, today in order for him to get his truck fixed. WHAT THE HECK!!!!! Um. The answer is NO. Your truck and my lawn are your responsibility. Period. You have a WIFE and its not me. You 2 figure it out, and you be here Monday morning. Or... NEXT.
  • Made our reservations for my cousin's wedding in October. I am so excited about our floor. My sister and family , my brother , my cousins and a few friends!! I love it because it seems like OUR family is staying in one hotel and HER family is staying in another. Its going to be a great night. I was going to buy a new dress for the occasion, and I may still, but I have bought some really nice clothes for work next term, I think I could actually pick something from there. I do need a new pair of Clarks' though!!
  • its funny. odd funny. I look at old pictures (not real old 5-6-7 years ago) and I have a totally different life. I have had the house painted, totally gotten rid of everything from marriage no. 2, right down to pictures, furniture, appliances, everything. Gone. My home is all mine, no drama, no lies, no cheating, no bad anything. No memories except the occasional good one, rare as they are. Everything from my home to my job to my life... changed. Except for my family and the love of awesome awesome friends, its a whole new world.
  • I just got an email that my stipend check was cut. Dee will be so happy!! hahaha. She is my financial planner and every deposit I make, she profits!
  • Getting ready for my wedding weekend in LA. Unfortunately its fly in, wedding the next day, hang out with friends on Sunday, fly out Sunday night. School keeps me too busy to enjoy any time, but I cannot WAIT to see my friends!!
  • Well, I better scoot. I bought some beautiful paintings yesterday morning and some 'things to do projects', and I would like to have them done by this afternoon. I have some vine flowers I started in a pot that I want to get planted and start a little project in the back yard. Then, enjoy my a family member's 'coming out' party!! THIS will be interesting!!!!


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