Saturday, June 15, 2013

Well, this has been my best day in four weeks. I woke up around 7 am thinking about changing the bed! Let me tell you it needs it! I like to change it once a week. I swear its been 3. Icky sweaty freezing sick me, 3 dogs and a cat... Its time.
I came down and threw a load of sheets in the drier that I washed a week ago, they havent been changed yet, but tomorrow they will be ready. I got up early and showered and went and picked up my car with my brother. Boy has he been a Godsend through all of this. He's been sick for 3 weeks, but still manages to get my medicines and takes out my trash and calls everyday to check on me. Family. xo
I went and bought some fresh fruit today so when my 'starving' from the steriods kicks in I have something cold an light and filling. steroids are done now and the antibiotics only have one more day. Brenden came over and spent about 8 hours painting. His 'buddy' bailed on him, said it was too much work. smh. He's a painter too. My step son is coming home in a week to see his dad and said he would help B if he needed it. I gave him a few more dollars for his time. Called the tree man to come and cut back the big tree in the back and the one on the side. I don't want to put out too much this month, with the paint and landscaping and all, but I feel bad looking at MY tree hang over THEIR pool.
Made a little filet for dinner now I am packing it in for the night. I have made some decisions over the past month that I am rather content with. Decisions on Facebook. I can't totally delete my page because Doggone Yummy would disappear, and that is quite the networking tool for me. Decisions who to carry on with and who to leave behind. A nasty little text from my 'friend' that I was helping at school made me glad of the decisions I have made. I'm not a bail bondsman nor are you going to walk over me. Funny, sort of .
Well, taking the kids to bed and hoping for a better recovery in the morning.


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